Advantages of Teeth Whitening
The great advantage of performing teeth whitening is that it significantly improves dental aesthetics and therefore our self-esteem. Even though it doesn’t always hit a white hollywood, because it’s not always possible, our patients end our whitening appointments with a smile from ear to ear and much more vain with their teeth.
In addition to this personal benefit, there is also a great advantage in terms of teeth, since to perform teeth whitening there is no need to perform any type of invasive procedure.
Another great positive point is, without a doubt, the treatment time to whiten the teeth. Increasingly the stress of everyday life limits visits and the availability of time to be at the dentist. Tooth whitening, whether performed in the office or at home, also appears as a quick solution for improving aesthetics without requiring “chair” hours.
Is teeth whitening safe?
Is there any contraindication?
As long as performed and / or accompanied by an oral health professional, teeth whitening is an extremely safe procedure. Like any dental treatment, there are inherent risks that are recognized and controlled by the oral hygienist. Among them, the post-treatment tooth sensitivity and gingival irritation that can occur due to contact with the concentrated whitening product stand out.
In the over-the-counter market, on the other hand, there is a wide spectrum of products that are advertised as “whiteners” but whose effectiveness is questionable. Once there are significant differences in clinical products, it is not possible to assert their safety or effectiveness.
Anyone with good oral health can be a candidate for teeth whitening. For this, a previous evaluation is essential to screen for situations that may influence the result of the procedure (caries lesions, gingivitis, periodontal pockets or infiltrated restorations).
In addition, extensive restorations, crowns or existing facets can influence the result obtained, since these materials do not whiten like the dental surface.
Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers are advised not to perform teeth whitening during these periods, not because of the risk of complications, but just as a precaution.
Young people under the age of 18 are also advised to wait for adulthood, when there is a guarantee that there are no more immature teeth that could suffer any damage from bleaching products.
I decided to do a teeth whitening. What is the next step?
The first step is to choose a trusted teeth whitening clinic and do an oral hygiene assessment.
Before teeth whitening, scaling should be performed and, if there are cavities, they must also be eliminated. As I usually say: health first, then aesthetics.
Another important factor to consider is whether the patient has restorations, as they do not whiten and may have to be changed a posteriori, so that the dentition is homogeneous in color.
Care After Teeth Whitening?
The tooth whitening work does not end at the clinic. The patient must use transparent silicone drips for 3 days during the night rest period, with a viscous gel that prevents the enamel color from regressing.
As the pores are open between 24 to 48 hours after treatment, care must be taken, including avoiding the consumption of acidic or pigmented drinks or foods, such as coffee, teas, berries, curry, tomato sauce , natural juices, red wine and soft drinks.
If the patient does not respect the recommendations, he should drink a little water after consuming the mentioned foods, brush his teeth or rinse his mouth with an elixir. Tobacco should also be avoided as much as possible.
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about Teeth Whitening
No. Teeth whitening alone does not damage or destroy enamel. The whitening gel has the ability to infiltrate the enamel without causing damage.
Yes. Whitening can cause tooth sensitivity, which is always transitory. To help deal with this discomfort we advise our patients to use desensitizing gel during this initial period.
Yes. If there is no correct gum isolation around the teeth, contact with the whitening product can injure and cause burning gums.
Anyone, as long as they maintain good oral health, can do teeth whitening. Although smoking is not included in good oral health habits, the problem in these cases is mainly due to the result that will not be long-lasting, as maintaining the habit, the teeth will again include the tobacco pigment and quickly darken.
Yes. All of these drinks, and not only, contain pigments that adhere and are incorporated into dental surfaces. During the teeth whitening period and after that, it is not advisable to ingest this type of drinks or foods with pigments / dyes. However, if you are unable to avoid it, there is the suggestion to try to rinse with water at the moment and if possible brush your teeth after the meal.
Yes, before or after placing the device. As a rule, bleaching is done after orthodontic treatment when the alignment of the teeth is already verified and after the brackets or attachments attached to the dental surfaces have been removed.
As a rule, this type of procedures only takes place after the age of 18. Depending on the case evaluation and indication for whitening it can be done earlier, but only only the complete maturation of the teeth to be whitened.
Because of their constitution, canines are the teeth with the most dentin volume. (Dentin is the layer under the enamel responsible for the yellowish tone of the teeth). Whitening does not always resolve this difference, but it is able to mitigate it, maintaining the harmonious aspect of a natural dentition.
It is not possible to say. There are several causes that can cause these whitish areas on the teeth. A prior assessment is essential, as in some cases it is necessary to adapt the distribution of the whitening product so as not to run the risk of further clarifying the white spot and exacerbating the color difference. In most cases, with in-office bleaching, however, we have managed to greatly mitigate whitish areas and obtain very satisfactory harmonization.
It can. The various types of whitening mentioned in this article are mainly intended to improve the overall aesthetic of the smile by smoothing the color of the various front teeth. However, there are cases where only one or two teeth are more yellow. When the patient’s problem is only these two teeth, localized whitening can be done.
It is not possible to say. Only after an individual assessment of your oral condition is it possible to tell which type of whitening is best for you. What can be said with certainty is that the whitening done in the office is always the fastest because it is the one that uses the most concentrated product.
the Whitening is indicated for cases in which it is intended to improve dental aesthetics since white teeth are associated with youth and health
The aim is to achieve the maximum natural whiteness of the teeth, and no more. It is necessary to take into account that the teeth react differently to the treatment, therefore, the results may vary from person to person, however, in all cases, the changes are quite significant. Even very dark teeth can be whitened and, in most cases, with excellent results.